Domesticity in the wet

It hasn't rained the absolute entire weekend. Not completely.

I started this morning (after a rather stodgy pancake making attempt) by donning gumboots and digging up some pretty autumn flowering bulbs from the creek at one end of our street. I've been asking and researching to find their name, but to no avail so far. Yes I do realise that posting a photo might help. Taking a photo would be some kind of start as well...

No children found me, so I stayed outside a while longer and sowed rocket, pak choy and phacelia seeds.

Later on I inspected Favourite Handyman's excellent work making a new plastic cover for part of the chook run. This time we have gone for the much higher quality and more expensive agphane plastic. FH ran a rope down each side and then used his heat gun to seal a flap over it. It certainly looked a wonderful scheme to me. I didn't know he had these skills precisely when I fell in love with him. But I did have a whiff when I saw that he could, despite being a city boy, back a trailer competently. It's a good test.

Back inside I played in the kitchen. I've got two lots of bread on the go at the moment. One will cook tonight and the other will be my first experiment with doing an overnight fridge prove of French Country Bread. I've put radish and alfalfa seeds in water for sprouting and chickpeas to soak for cooking tomorrow. I've put a smoked bacon bone in the slow cooker to thaw overnight. Tomorrow I'll cook it with puy lentils, carrots, onions, celery and bay leaves. Dinner was parsnip and potatoes layered with onions, garlic and bacon and cream and cheese. The cholesterol police can shudder all they like, it was delicious.

So I guess we're doing good homely things to batton down the hatches and live independently-ish in the long gloomy days ahead. If John Key listens to the frankly scary right wing already failed terrible community destroying suggestions of the recent OECD report on New Zealand, then it will be gloomy indeed. Just writing it all down started out feeling good but now I have bored myself to tears and feel like going down the pub and squandering money on liquor.


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