A change from screen time

My computer died last week. Yesterday, our other computer could not receive the internet for the entire day. By evening, I decided that as we have no television signal and there were no dvds I wanted to watch and I'd read for a while already, I would enter the short story competition advertised in the Sunday Star Times. So I've started writing that.

We're well into the sniffle and vomit season here and today three out of four of us were poorly or just beginning to recover. By 3.30pm however, it was warm and sunny outside and I finally got to spend some time getting dirt under my fingernails. Oh the sweet satisfaction. I trimmed some very overgrown edges and did a little weeding. The rhubarb we got given at the beginning of this year has adapted to southern wetville life well and the rhubarb I was given last spring is looking very very good. I need to empty the chicken coop poo and peastraw onto the rhubarb plots - apparently rhubarb loves manure.

I eyed up the garden plot by the lean-to as I worked, plotting it's transformation into a home for 1-2 espaliered fruit trees. I read recently of a permaculture enthusiast surrounding her fruit trees with comfrey plants and I think I'll do that also.

I think I have a new project. Less than an hour ago, a friend appeared at the door with two huge boxes of fabric for me. His wife has had a big clear out and I now own more material than would even fit in the entirety of my two drawer craft and vital documents chest. I could gift some, send the rest to the Sallies, keep the pieces which I like best in a drawer to admire but ultimately never use. Or I could set the sewing machine up where the dead computer used to live, sort the always problematic tension out and get creating. There is some very beautiful material in there and it's time I got some use out of my sewing machine. That would surely be a good skill development for Sharon Astyck's Independence Days challenge...


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