
The front page of this week's Guardian Weekly details the about face of the banking industry, which has now, merely five minutes after ruining the lives of millions, romped back into it's time honoured culture of mega bonuses. There is also comment on something called the 'derivatives market'. As far as I can work out, this refers to the practice of selling on mortgages such as that in the sub prime sector in the US. And selling them on and on. But to quote the Guardian Weekly article (which I can't find online, I'm referring to the print version of 3 July 2009):
Initially almost all parties involved after Lehman Brothers went bust agreed
there had to be huge changes to make these markets more transparent. But
ISDA [International Swaps and Derivatives Association] believes the bigger risk
today is that regulators will over-react and kill off an industry which is again
generating substantial profits for London. "We would suggest that there is
no little danger of demonising credit derivatives, which remain a useful risk
management tool," it says.

Well well well. What else? Shall we steer clear of all efforts to protect children from sexual abusive and pornography? You know, because money can be made from it so it must be worth doing.

I feel sick reading it. Sick that we allow this. I wonder if I will have the courage to really get out there (locally, online is easy) and educate people in what democracy really involves. What our apathy allows to happen. We certainly need a revolution.

I could have separated my home based independence thoughts/report into a new blog post. Big world politics tidily separated from home based stuff. The big boys stuff away from the mumsy stuff.

I think there is a case for keeping them together. The actions of greedy bankers, of immoral bankers and other financial merchants, impact on homes. Homes here in New Zealand and throughout the world. Families brought to the brink of collapse and those on the brink already, tipped over the edge.

Life in my home at the moment whirls around illness. Sometimes it moves slowly, as everyone sleeps or rests quietly. Sometimes it moves very fast, as the washing machine plays up and soup is needed and the boy is in tears of pain and the girl poos everywhere and I mean everywhere and then proceeds to practically roll in it until someone catches her.

What we have done is to rely on our own resources. We try very hard not to reach for panadol these days for the children and I'm pleased to have supported Fionn thus far through this nasty illness without it. Lots and lots of cuddles and drinks and stories. I think the excellent multivitamin/mineral supplement known as CAA has helped Favourite Handyman and I ward off this illness. I've had it a bit but nothing like our boy.

Tomorrow I have an appointment with a homeopath in the next town. I am going to get her to help me create a homeopathic first aid kit for my family. I expect I will also come away with a recommendation of a good book to support this. Julie only recently finished her homeopath training and I am grateful that we now have her expertise on the coast - before she qualified, it was a 300km trip to see a homeopath.

I have cleaned the filter of our front loader. I found lots of unidentified gunk, a piece of broken plastic and, wedged in the mechanism, a 20 cent coin. So far, the washing machine is now behaving better. I have all my fingers crossed.

A subject I have been learning about lately is the benefits of spicey foods healthwise. I've known about garlic for a long time but now I am enthusiastic about ginger, particularly for its expectorant properties at the moment, and about chilli (good for the lungs). I've been learning about cayenne and heart health as well, though that doesn't seem so especially pertinent this week. I've also been learning about caprylic acid and coconut oil. So tonight's healthy soup comprised coconut oil, garlic, ginger, chillies, cumin, celery, carrot, yams and kale. With a little soya sauce on each bowl. Fionn could only manage the broth and my two year old routinely ignores dinner (she still got yoghurt with added probiotics, mandarins and avocado so not utterly bereft of goodness), but us adults, the ones on 24 hour nursing duty at the moment, at least we got some strength in our intestines.

An article in yesterday's Christchurch Press on widespread prescription of placebos to patients reinforced the value of being an informed adult who does not reach for the doctor for every sore throat. I found the assumption that precribing antibiotics was a 'harmless' placebo quite chilling. The importance of good gut flora, the problems of candida in the body, have been the subject of much of my health reading over the last 6-7 years. The way in which elements of the medical profession rides roughshod over a person's holistic health strikes me as not so very different from those of the big bankers on Wall Street and in London's 'City'.

The best thing anyone with a tiny piece of outside space can do in these tightened times (oh boy do I disbelieve the idea thrown out by the big guys that the recession tide is turning - they just want to get us spending again for their benefit, not our own), is to grow some garlic.


Sharonnz said…
I'm reminded of that ol' mantra "The personal is political";-)
Corrine said…
Oh wow I wish I could get going with the garlic...My garden is frozen solid.
I have a great recipe for elderberry syrup cough mixture if you want it. Makes a fantastic cold and flu remedy, and doesn't taste too bad either.
Sandra said…
Sharon, yup. Cliche but very accurate.

Corrine I would love the elderberry syrup cough mixture recipe please. What things grow well at your place? I remember travelling to Central Otago, Becks on the way to St Bathans, in mid winter and seeing my first hoar (sp?) frost. So very beautiful.
Corrine said…
I've just posted it on my blog. It is very adaptable...add or subtract what ever you want. I found the Modern Herbal online as well so you can read about the herbs as well. Very handy.

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