Sunday food

On Saturday I only went into the kitchen for glasses of water. Favourite Handyman made eggs for breakfast, fed us sandwiches for lunch and bought fish and chips for dinner.

On Sunday Favourite Handyman made eggs for breakfast and did the dishes afterwards. My rest was now sufficient to contemplate a little cooking. I made pasta with bacon and tumeric and garden greens for lunch and kumara curry (also with bacon and spinach from the garden) for dinner. I made pesto using almost all of our coriander and basil. Coriander pesto is good for detoxing metals, or mercury at least, out of the body. It also tastes great. I didn't have enough of either herb to make a singular pesto.

I made the first part of a sourdough loaf and have it in the fridge for finishing tomorrow. I experimented with a slow rise focaccia and that has come out well. I made hummous because hummous is vital for a week not spent eating cheese.

I have discovered macadamia nuts. As part of my nutritional fight against arthritis, Laskme is keen on me eating nut butters with celery. No peanut butter fan, I thought I would try macadamia nuts. Even Sally Fallon (the woman who surely crossed Catholicism with food to bring an incredible list of dietary dangers to the crazed like me who bother to read her) thinks macadamia nuts are good. Of course she says something about soaking them to prevent danger of ever eating anything without hours of preparation but never mind that. So for $13.80 I could buy a small jar of organic macadamia nut butter, made right here in New Zealand. Spot that virtue. At that price it is hard to know whether it is good or bad to like it. But I do. It is kind of sweet and tastes divine if you put a spoonful in a bowl and dip your celery stick into it as you munch while mucking around on the computer.

I also made popcorn. Why not? Butter on everyone's fingers as they wander throughout the house afterwards. Can't tell too much because of the pre-existing mess.

I am developing a liking for a little sorrel. Useful as I seem to have grown a good crop of the stuff.

Yesterday I ate the first strawberry. Divine. The netting over the raised strawberry bed seems perfect thus far.

Brighid picked red roses and red flanders poppies today. Without permission, indeed directly against my expressed wishes. Compliance obviously runs in our genes. But we do now have red roses in the flower jar on the kitchen windowsill and I have two gorgeous red poppies by my keyboard, looking like expensive, exquisite crushed silk.

Still knitting as much as possible. Onto the hood now. It's looking much better now that I can see the shape of the jacket.


Mary said…
Man food is most definitely high on my weekend bliss list.

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