
I've mislaid my wool needle. Not that I've looked as hard as I could for it. I also can't get the ironing board out to press the baby coat pieces as I have a headache. I often have a headache at the thought of getting the iron out and so far I've had one every night this week.

In the meantime, I've made a doll's outfit from bright orange and fluffy blue wool for Brighid's Christmas present. Knitting dolls' clothes is proving a good way of trying out and practising shaping and pattern techniques. I made the skirt and top with minimal sewing up but that minimal bit has of course not been done.

Then I went into the wool shop in town and wondered if I could find a small project to make something for my beloved childminder for Christmas. Do you see how well behaved I am trying to be about Christmas? I came away with some sorrento yarn and 7mm needles to make a lacy type scarf. A few rows in, on my second attempt, I thought maybe I would make it for Mum instead. Though she doesn't have much in blue these days to match it to. I should know - I've been through her wardrobe in painstaking detail earlier this year as she sought feedback on her various 'bargain' purchases in sales at posh shops.

Soon after, I slipped my hold on one needle and two stitches came loose and undid and due to the very holey and loose nature of the weave it was nearly impossible to fix. I pulled it all off and will use it for something else. It was slow knitting because of the type of yarn and the big needles meeting thin yarn. I could see I could get miles in and still have the slipped needle disaster.

So maybe I won't do knitting for more Christmas presents. I do need to get some completion on the (yes a: sewing up knitted items and) b: the various sewing projects which are started in this room. Not to mention the lovely man's soft green checked (think gingham type small check) shirt I got at the Sallies the other day which will look fabulous when I have altered it for me...

Anyway, my headache. No ironing tonight. I might have the energy to set up my NEW camera, finally PAID off, though. Very exciting. Should be a blog with photos within a few days.


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