Sunday kitchen: muesli slice

I'd been playing round with Nina-the-kitchen-queen's muesli slice last year, with some failures due to, for example, leaving out the flour. Today I am most pleased with my latest tinkering.

Laksme-our-angel-therapist suggested we soak our oats in prune juice. She had a convincing rationale which was so convincing that I forgot what it was. So today I soaked 3 cups of big fat oats in a few sloshes (perhaps 1/4 cup?) of prune juice, later remembered to add a handful of dried cranberries and sunflower seeds and left it there while I did other stuff. I melted 120g of butter and put about 300g of condensed milk in the mix, together with 1/2 C of sugar, 1/2 C yoghurt and 1/2 C of flour. I put some dark chocolate and some brazil and cashew nuts into my whizzy machine and pulverised them and added it to the mix. Stirred it around and out it into a greased pyrex dish (20 x 28cm) and into the 180 degree Celsius oven for 40 minutes.

It is fantastic.

I also made pork spare ribs for the first time ever. Nice and easy. Something new to add to my regular repertoire, which needs expanding. That's all. Not much of a kitchen marathon today - dealing with the consequences of a broken washing machine again.


Anonymous said…
I don't know who Nina is, but that is an awesome looking reciipe!! How long does it last? ;-)
Sandra said…
Nina is my Danish non-blogging friend here on the West Coast.

The recipe freezes well. I'd otherwise say in a tin it lasts a few days. This batch is moister than others which have lasted a week.

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