
Last weekend we protested against the National government's draconian labour law changes which allow for ninety day fire at will and union representatives only allowed on workplaces with boss permission. In fact, I did not protest as Favourite Handyman did instead this time, while the children and I went to the library. We're not wild about the kids being on the picket line. I have some photos but it turns out that I've not used our lives of working people blog for so long that I cannot remember the password to post again. Serves me right for setting up a seperate blogger account. I need to join with the other fabulous people on the Blackball working class history project group and create an entirely new blog with links to facebook (I think we are supposed twit as well but that can be someone else) and keep it updated regularly. Tomorrow I am on duty at the museum so progress then hopefully.

In the meantime, it's all more domestic and even exciting. Fionn plays in the semi-finals for his rugby league team later this morning and I shall be there, concentrating and shouting in the right places. As differentiated from skiving off from going at all or chatting about other things on the sideline, oblivious to the game, as I rather frequently do.

I have nearly finished the second front for my purple cross-over cardigan. Then I will only have the sleeves to go. Yesterday was so gorgeous and sunshiney that I felt like owning a new dress, preferably something summery in colour. Brighid and I went to all the local op-shops and I came home with one nice red top but knowing that actually if I want a new dress, I need to get the sewing machine out and carry on making the cross-over dress I started a large number of months ago.

There are also possibilities in the garden - plants to move, seeds to sow. errr, weeding to do. I could think about paid work and all of it's piles of things to do, but not just yet. That is in a box ready to be brought out later, after we have lived in the sunshine some more.

Our other spring-y-summery activity has been going to the beach. We have been down to the beach twice in the last three days and the children are initiating the trips! This is wonderful. We wanted to buy this house partly because of its proximity to the sea and for such a long time, the boy hated going to the beach and the girl loved it so much it was scary (the sea is wild and takes prisoners where we live) and thus we almost never went. Hoping this change lasts...


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