Framing it

1. Supermarket bulk raised chook, packet flakey pastry, no salad.

2. Home grown welsh bunching onions, argentata beet and french thyme. Leftover roast chicken, stuffing and vegetables encased in spring vegetables, herbs, home grown eggs and cream, topped with a disc of pastry glazed with home grown egg.

Same dish, different details. All true. I'm okay with it all. It tasted good. Filled us up.

I could go on about health issues. The ill health of our local health board for starters.

But instead, before I go to sleep, I want to challenge the imagery used by the Wellington WAPF in an article by Ian Grigson. To me, ill health looks pale and wan, or overheated and stressed. It can look puffy and unable to move, or emaciated. Much ill health exists in sensations which cannot be seen by the outside observer. But if you follow the link above, the strongest message is that the worst thing you could be, the thing to fear above all, is being fat. The people in the photographs do not look unhappy or specifically unwell to me. I find the final image really distasteful in the context that it is used. A kind of sexual objectification of two fat women to make them look particularly ridiculous just because they appear to be eating Mcdonalds? It's really disappointing.


Anonymous said…
So are you going to write to him with your (I think valid) objection?
Sandra said…
ah, homework Rachael. Fair point though, and possibly a means for a constructive way forward on the issue. I will post a copy of the letter once I've written it.

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