Time perhaps, for Mary Poppins

Today, absolutely, was a lot better than the entire preceding week. This is because everyone ate, I prepared none of that food beyond a few sandwiches, and I had a day sleep. Nana nap, I believe some people call them. If I really was a nana though, unless the grandchildren were always with me, no young man would wake me up to show me his list of the Famous Five books he has read so far. That was leading somewhere, all the way to trademe, but I declined to follow his lead. Even with about thirty five interruptions, it was still a great day sleep. In the morning, the girl and I chose Mary Poppins at the library. Well, I did actually. I may need some self control not to read it all myself now she is in bed. It's been a while.

I read some nutritious books on food. I ogled some pattern reviews and classy blogs on sewing. But I maintained a considerable distance from such intensive activities as actually cooking or sewing. Favourite Handyman finished stacking the wood despite the rain and we were all home together and my little world felt good again.

Did you know how beautiful it is near where I live? I have favourited this spot between Westport and Karamea on my computer, hoping we will get there for a weekend soon. My next choice is this eco lodge not far from Tauranga Bay, south of Westport.

On the other side of the world but still on my computer screen, I found Miss Celie's Pants. Miss Celie has a great sewing blog and by the range of it, it is clear that she actually finishes more than one thing per year. Please, if you so fancy, check out her lemon yellow knit dress. She does indeed bottle the sun and put it in her dress and her blogging energy. My knit dress? Well I did move the fabric and pattern pieces from the lounge back to the study. No progress since the Wednesday before Brighid cut her foot, seven weeks ago.

Blowing everything else away: check out Sarah Kay's performance poetry here.


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