
In which we went on an adventure to the beach because we could. Because it was Thursday and we were free of work and school and as we dropped Fionn off at school I thought the dreadful thought that I shall drop them both off next year and by then we absolutely could not do ordinary things like go back home.
It was a misty, dark grey day and we had the beach entirely to ourselves. We found seaweed and as I went to untangle it from the stick, I decided to keep it on the stick and carry it like a swag.
Bordering the beach is gorse, paddocks with sheep, and a resting fence for the seaweed, which was more as I'd tied the new finds on to the swag.
Then we went home and did normal things like dye a perfectly normal skirt blue.

I bought it for $5 at Postie Plus earlier in the week and I thought I would dye it a beautiful intense turquoise.
I don't think the result is the intensity of colour I had imagined, but I do still like it. Once I've worn it a while I shall know if I need to overdye it again.

Then last night I bought blue cheese and red wine and foccaccia bread and ate almost all of it while beginning to read all the way home by David Giffels in which he tells the story of buying a totally falling down mansion and repairing it. I love it. It makes me want to achieve things. To change things forever. Back down on earth I know that the fanciest and most effective thing I could do to our kitchen or hall or dining room or any room is to clean it. Not. very. exciting.

Thankfully Favourite Handyman has woken with something of this bug and as I type (rather useless occupation relatively), our chooks are in the temporary run, the tallest short person is inside the poultry palace dealing to the deep bulges of water from the plastic roofing and FH is preparing to replace the soft plastic with corrugated hard plastic roofing. Brighid and I read Mary Poppins while they went shopping for diy supplies and now she is in the trampoline which is not a trampoline apparently but the Faraway Tree. We all need some magic, and this weekend it appears we have some.

Off to attempt some of my own...
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Marty said…
The David Giffels books sounds very interesting! Where did you source it? None of my local libraries has it unfortunately.
Sandra said…
I got it from my local library. Sorry, not much help to you.
Nik said…
awesome pictures Sandra! BTW, I'm back blogging (and reading blogs!). :)
Marty said…
Actually that's good to know as I can interloan it.

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