Dances with Fat

My favourite blog find this weekend is Dances with Fat. Go read it. She writes well, thinks intelligently, is all about genuine respect and the vids look like she moves pretty fantastically as well. Thank you to the Wellington Young Feminists' Collective for sending me the way of the Articulate dancer.

Another link worth following is my mate Peter Clayworth's piece on the 1981 Spring Bok tour (scroll down past Jock Phillips' piece to find Peter's). There are more pieces on the tour memoirs which I intend to follow up, courtesy of John Minto's guest post on Liberation.

The gala was great. Crap weather, despite my determination that if I willed it to be sunny, then the heavens would obey. We had more people painting faces this year so the kids didn't have to wait for long to be painted. My guess is they made plenty of money despite the bad weather.

Look at the blank floor space. Massive project this afternoon. Massive achievement. What you can't see is that the lego, duplo, puzzle pieces, toy vehicles, alphabet blocks, dolls' clothes, pens and pencils and crayons, are now all in their own dedicated boxes, not mostly scrambled up together. What did that cost? Four glasses of wine at the end. Fionn helped but he didn't do enough to earn wine.


Susan said…
When I came to NZ the whole big affair about the Springbok tour in 1981 came as quite a surprise - we never realised in SA what actually went on here in NZ during that tour. I just remember hearing about the flour bombs. In my part of the world I was giving birth to my eldest son - and asked to hurry up by husband and the doctor, as the rugby started on tv at 3am and they wanted to watch the match. Thank goodness he was born at 2:10am, giving them heaps of time to get home in time for the rugby :)
Sharonnz said…
They never do enough to earn that wine. Frankly, sorting Lego and kid's bedrooms is about four BOTTLES of wine on my scale atm.
Sandra said…
Thanks for your story Susan. I'd not specifically thought about the lengths which the South African media must have gone to to conceal news of the protests. I'm glad your boy was born in time. How infuriating it would be if they put the damn television on in the delivery room...

You are right Sharon. I don't want to move from our house because I don't think I could ever manage to have the house in a suitable condition for real estate agent tours at the same time as pursue my usual jobs and activities (like breathing).

Thanks also for the tip on the paprika last week Susan. I have had lovely crispy skins with paprika when roasting uncovered, but I didn't click that the paprika was a key part of creating the perfect chicken skin.
Megan said…
Thanks for the link Sandra - I love "I can't think of a single circumstance in which hating my body would improve my situation" - so going to be quoting that.

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