
One in the morning is a perfectly reasonable time to get up and do some sewing and blogging, isn't it? That or nothing this week. I did buy some more sheets (errr yes. Cheap.) from the Sallies and St Vincent de Paul. Those Catholics have expensive sheets. Three whole dollars vs the Sallies only charging $2. So I've made up the bodice of the Colette Crepe dress in a plain yellow, using my new pattern piece for the front with an FBA and adjusted neckline. I pinned down the sides and tried it on and indeed it looks like the adjustments work. Hurray hurray hurray. I don't have enough fabric for the skirt as well, but I did buy some sheets which I think complement the yellow fabric and so this time the skirt will be a contrasting colour. I am getting faster at sewing. Once, the bodice would have taken a week of evenings. This time round, I think my blood pressure is even stable when I sew darts. Other blogging sewists have suggested they would fully line the bodice on a second project for this dress, removing the faff of hand sewing down the flapping facings. I'm thinking of doing that, assuming I have enough yellow fabric for that and the long sash tie, but I wonder how to include the interfacing for the neckline and armholes? I'm loving the sewing as something which doesn't have a big deadline and can be fitted in in tiny bits at weird times of the day and night.

The Blackball care workers' project is on again. So I've been rushing around doing that, writing up sections of it by the side of the pool while the kids do their swimming lessons and in a snatched and lovely moment with cake and wine at Jones's while Fionn was at martial arts last night. Earlier today (yesterday I suppose) I interviewed the wonderful Brenda for the exhibition. Brenda is our old neighbour and a very dedicated and capable carer who cared for her parents for many years, worked at an old people's home as activities coordinator, worked for IHC and is now working for PACT. In her spare time, she also works for the Home to Home project, providing respite care for young people with special needs. Denise and I are hoping to get that written up, done and dusted as soon as possible. I have flagged up very clearly to the group that I am resigning after the exhibition. I'm not housewife and mother of the year, but I do take my responsibilities to actually feed my family six nights per week seriously, and fitting in work and the exhibition is making everything else late and stressed.

The chooks are doing great. My fears about a rat have been allayed. Actually, the chooks are laying a treat, but they do like to scatter the straw over the eggs and sometimes they are hard to find.

Tomorrow (which could be today, but I am planning on going back to sleep), is a Mummy Day. I plan on ringfencing it for things with Brighid and not the exhibition. I'm already quite good at not doing anything to do with paid work on a Thursday. We will probably start the post-9am day with reading some Milly Molly Mandy. I'm on the lookout for some pink and white fabric to make a Milly Molly Mandy dress, possibly for Brighid or for her best friend whom we recently introduced to MMM, for one of their birthdays. Maybe it is cute overload, but I did fancy the idea of a MMM book from Trademe with a pink and white dress as a lovely birthday present for an awesome girl when she turns five...

Do you think the sun will shine tomorrow? Please? Yes I will do some washing but really truly and utterly, Brighid and I would like to garden. I think she wants to make play dough, which I promise, weather gods, that I will do as well as the garden bit....


miriam said…
Hi Sandra, thanks for the comments. Yes we are off to Dn again in time for Christmas. The eldest boys start University and our long term tenant bought a house so the timing was suddenly right.It's been great to be able to move slowly, at this stage every time we go teh trailer is full of plants.
I must admit (re the messy house below), I love going tosomeone's house and finding it messy. First of all I feel really at home and if it is worse than my place, I admire their bravery in leaving it to do other more important things.

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