Everyone needs a hobby

One of my favourite obsessions is foods for good health.  I do have to remind myself (often) that reading about good foods will not give me the benefits; I need to actually eat them.  I've kept up our home made food commitment, even though I gave up reporting on it daily.  Last week we had bought fish and chips one night and one morning I took asthma boy into town for morning tea after he came to work with me but beyond that we've been very good.  Asthma boy has made a very good recovery.  I'm not sure if it is pure good luck that he is responsible about listening to his body or if I can take some credit for the work I've put in feeding him well and explaining the food choices we make.  I seem to have my family in the rhythm of taking fish oil and cod liver oil each day and we are still using the flax seed oil topically on Fionn's eczema (which flared up with the asthma).

I've been finding red meat a bit heavy lately and as I wait for a doctor's appointment to check my serum iron and ferritin levels, I'm leaning towards less red meat.  Immoral in terms of ocean over-fishing as it appears to be, I'm keen on more fish instead.  For convenience, our red meat consumption has crept up over the last year or so, shaped in no small measure by the fact that the short fussy eater loves sausages. 

Initially, as I laid out my latest thoughts to FH (who has been vegetarian before and is happy to go back in that direction), I thought I couldn't be bothered with lentils.  But as I was re-reading some favourite posts from Off the Food Grid last night, this piece on turmeric, including the comments, reminded me about the benefits of turmeric.  When I first read about turmeric as an anti-inflammatory, I got a bit carried away and ordered a kilo of it from Piko Wholefoods.  A kilo of turmeric is a very large amount, particularly when my children got very cagey about all their meals being yellow by the third day.  Given that I now make adult home made lunches each day and neither of us like sandwiches for lunch much, I've mostly made hearty salads.  But I could make large-ish amounts of lentils/dahl with lots of spices, including turmeric in it, and put that in our salads.

Yesterday I spent the afternoon in the garden, weeding and rearranging the flowers.  I started to remove the roses from the front of the house, tearing and scratching my fingers as I went.  The irises in the front of our bedroom which never had enough sun to flower well have now been shifted to beside the red fence, where they get more sun and we can look at them every morning from the dining room table.

The sewing machine is still away being fixed.  I've pulled the felted black wool out of the cupboard, along with some inherited crocheted doilies from my grandmother in law, with the idea of sewing a winter bag.  My beige cotton bag seems light (visually and weight-wise) and flimsy now it is winter clothing season.  The felted black wool is from the swing cardigan which I knitted a few years ago and then last year I felted it to stop myself wearing something so unflattering.  It is too thick to sew with a machine, so it appears that I have a hand sewing project.  Me Made May is still in the dustbin of rash commitments.


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