wine swilling genealogist

 On Thursday just gone, it was the West Coast Schools' kapa haka festival.  I rearranged my work hours, took my girl out of school, and we headed south for the day to watch Fionn perform.  It was totally fantastic.  Fionn's school group put on a top notch performance which we were all very proud of.

Afterwards, while the students had their hangi lunch and played special games and the judges deliberated, Brighid and I had lunch together in the metropolis and walked along the beach, pictured above and below.
Beautiful huh?

Today was the Anglican Church Fair.  It's an important event on our calendar.  Six years ago, when we'd just moved into our first home and there was no lounge furniture and no money to buy anything flash, we went to our this fair.  We still have the couch and chairs from that fair, at a combined cost of less than $50.  These days, we buy some sausages, a couple of bowls, sometimes some books or clothes.  Today I bought my first whitebait sandwich of the season.  Likely my last given the dismal catch this year.  I paid $5 to fill a supermarket plastic bag with clothes and I've done very well out of that.  I also bought a black wrap dress with a yellow print on it from the Sallies this morning for only $5.  What's not to like about bargain Saturday?

Mostly, outside of work and parenting, I've been drinking red wine and doing genealogy.  I've been gifted with some wonderful resources by another family member genealogist enthusiast.  If I can just get written up what I've learnt and not let on my project before Christmas, I will be thrilled and, hopefully on Christmas morning, so will my parents.

I bought more chatham island forget me nots today, plus cosmos, coriander, basil, marigolds and thyme.  My last thyme, which I deliberately planted in a hole in the wood edging a raised bed, has died through malnutrition.


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