Gardening and zen in 2013

A sea of seeding poppies, bok choy and spinach in the punga raised bed.  I started to clear one end yesterday and I'm glad I did - the nine huge, contented and fat snails I found certainly explained why I'd had lettuce seedlings disappear overnight in recent months.  They are now being recycled into eggs for our breakfast.

Yesterday Brighid and I planted (in other parts of the garden): lettuces, celery, coriander, peas, cavolo nero and violas.  We also sowed seeds of carrots, beetroot, chicory and basil.  Brighid tells me that she thinks she would like to be a gardener in between jobs as a ballerina when she grows up.  It's lovely gardening with her.

Today I weeded around the red onions and I planted winter savory, golden sage and pizza thyme.

I'm loving my summer in the garden.  I think my main goal for 2013 is to stay in the garden!  It is deeply satisfying and I feel a calmer person afterwards.  It feeds into my bigger need - to find ways of living a more tranquil, less harried and less crazily-multi-tasking life this year.  I need to re-orient myself away from seeing busy as good, and that has been quite a threatening concept for me to even consider.  Gardening during this lovely holiday period is really helping, and I'll endeavour to chart my journey towards more zen on this blog.

Happy New Year!


Ruth G said…
I love the way you recycle the snails.

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