polka dot pav

The polka dot circle skirt reveal.  These photos are taken at the end of a long day, full of fun, playing, cooking, socialising, and doing copious amounts of laundry.  It is made of cotton with a little stretch in it (not much, and not needed for this pattern).  I can see (we have no full length mirror at home, but the camera can do full length) that the polka dot socks are a little overkill with the skirt, but mostly I wear it with plain black long socks.

The pattern is Pavlova by Cake Patterns and I love it.  I have cut the top out in black merino.  Last week I bought some red and black checked fabric for another skirt, but I'm making myself do the top first.  I really like the top, I'm just in need of careful concentration for the sewing of a new style of top.

I love school holidays.  Love love them.  Especially days like today when the sun shines and the kids play with their friends and I get to make cake and have lunch with my friends at the same time.  Annabelle White's lemon sour cream cake rocks.

I've not seen much in the way of comment on pubs from green-local-ethical activists books and blogs.  But local ownership of pubs is much better for community finances and for the sense of community.  So I've been rather sad every time I drive past our local, recently closed due to the parent company being placed in liquidation.  Yesterday we received good news: a local couple, one of them Fionn's former league coach, have bought the pub and are going to start it up again in a couple of weeks.  I might still not be drinking myself, but there will be volunteers for buying local beer wares in our house (and fizzy and juice).  I'm hoping they run a chippie out of their kitchen on Friday and Saturday nights.  Walking to the fish and chip shop would be great.


RuthG said…
I like the polka dot socks with it,

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