celebrating womens suffrage

Today is 120 year since women gained the vote in New Zealand.  Twenty years ago I was an enthusiastic history student at a conference celebrating the centenary of women's suffrage in Wellington.  My strongest memory is not of the conference itself (though I remember enjoying that) but of the function at Government House where the first female governor general, Cath Tizard presided.  I was unsure of what I would do after I finished my honours year, just weeks away at the time, and made jokes about growing sheep to make wool and knit jerseys when very kind and well meaning people asked me.

Tonight I didn't make it to the function celebrating 120 years of female suffrage in Kumara, fabulous though it sounded.  After a day at work, my two lovely children and I ended up stepping off the whirl of activities which usually settles on kung fu on a Thursday night.  I made them endless toast for their post-dinner hungry tummies and then we read Whacky Wednesday and The Lorax in the big bed upon their request and laughed and also spent ages picking things from the Flybuys catalogue.  Brighid wanted salt and pepper shakers.  I pointed out that we already have salt and pepper shakers but she has the genes of both of her grandmothers running strong in her veins, and probably will collect 23 salt and pepper shakers over the next century, maybe more.

This weekend is the open day for a local farm which has installed a raw milk dispensary and is about to open for business.  It's so exciting to have this opening here in our small wet town where too often businesses blow up or close down.  I'll be very interested to see how Fionn fares with raw milk in terms of his eczema.


Susan said…
Careful with raw milk and eczema - it can trigger the eczema, worse than ever, and take forever to clear. Please note I am saying CAN and not will, but I grew up on a farm and had to stay away from the milk, the same with my brother. Funny thing is that buttermilk did wonders for the skin

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