various sprouts

I tried sprouting quinoa and it didn't work.  Not a single sprout.  I figured it must have been heat treated on entry to New Zealand.  Today I bought some organic red quinoa and the second quinoa sprouting experiment is on my windowsill now.  O bought a healthy heart brassica and mustard mix for sprouting as well today.  I declined on mung beans.  There has to be a line in the sand somewhere.

Bonfires are special.  Bonfires on the beach with family from across the oceans and fireworks to boot is extra special.  We will all remember last night for a long time. 

New haircut.  I look like my Mum.  Not terrible - my Mum looks very nice.  I like the cut but wish I had been more adventurous with colour.  Brighid suggested purple, but I'm not so sold on that.  I've made the exact same comment before, so next time needs to be action time!

I tried clothes on in the sales at the flash clothes shops today.  I would have been better off spending the time sewing.  I want a tailored or semi-tailored jacket, and I'm not going to get one to fit both my shoulders and my boobs at the same time unless I make it.

I've emailed off the final draft of my chapter on goldfields women hotelkeepers and sly grog sellers.  Next stop, a book review on Susan Upton's history of barmaids in New Zealand.  The weather is wet and wetter again, so I should be able to procrastinate from sewing by writing the review, instead of the other way round.

As is normal for this time of the year, I'm thinking about colours to paint the dining room.  This has been going on for at least three years.  We want to keep the wood panelling in its original state.  This is deeply unfashionable, and even for wood panelling, the traditional accompaniment is wallpaper.  Favourite Handyman isn't into wallpaper, and when I showed him the fabulous wallpaper I found, he didn't see the fabulousness of it at all.  All this means we are making it up entirely as we go along.  I bought a deep pink test pot this afternoon - royal heath as below.  Expect another paragraph on similar lines in 12 months' time.

Resene Royal Heath We finally moved Daisy the ostracised chook onto the old sandpit tonight.  I'd only been planning this since last Easter!   Her job is to eat up all the long grass and weeds and get it into a state where it can be rebuilt - probably into a second large chook run which can double as a greenhouse.  Yesterday Favourite Handyman dug trenches and put punga logs and driftwood around the old chook run garden to make it into a raised bed. 


Anonymous said…
Nice work on the chapter. Haircut pic? I am going blonde!

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