Inequalities & interviews

Pumpkin soup. Very mediocre in my opinion. Not having great joy this season on sourcing rich yummy pumpkins. One vegetable where you cannot tell anything from the outside apart from if it is mouldy. We all ate some. Some of us under more duress than others. Not bad Fallon/Price food except for the shop bought toast we ate with it. Good marks on the cheap front.

This morning Brighid and I drove out to Blackball, populating Old Macdonald's farm with ducks, mice, pigs, horses, elephants, tigers and lions as we went. It is quite exciting to have our Blackball working class history project meetings in our resource room, onsite at the 08 memorial. This is no longer a pipe dream. The shrine to the toil and struggle of working people is here and cannot easily be taken away.

We talked about future exhibitions for the exhibition space (small, but there nevertheless)> Paul is keen on something about rich and poor, inequalities. I'm keen to focus on the dreams and aspirations of our local young people (preferably in Blackball itself) and how they see themselves achieving them. We could do some great interviews and photo essays and give a space to our young adults, a space which I think is really appropriate as we ponder where the left goes in a world where 'left' is a road instruction only.

We talked about other interview possibilities. I am keen to get behind the record button and get the stories of men and women connected with the mines who are just retiring now. I'll find the time somehow, I hope.


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