stolen moments

Yesterday morning was vomit and then the afternoon and evening was diarrhoea and the whole health parade culminated in a nasty, deep cough with a distinctive 'whoop'. Today I had both children home (teacher only day at Fionn's school), the quarantine continued and I went insane. Not irreparably, but I think some scars take longer to heal than others.

Just for the record, just for the tiny, pathetic houseworking neverending record, I washed and hung out and brought in three loads of washing today. I wiped noses and lit and tended a fire all day long. I made more snacks than I have fingers and toes to count on and often cleared and wiped the kitchen bench just in time for it to be filled again. I refereed inter-sibling arguments about what number piece of fruit each child was on. There will be no prizes for my reffing. I don't think I actually screamed on the eighth round, but I was close.

They are still awake now. I type to the sound of "Muuuuum", "mummy" and "Mum, come here." And coughing.

I love my children and I do NOT love quarantine.

I have had a quick look at the budget announcements. No surprises and nothing to be proud of as a country. What's with borrowing money to fund tax cuts? Can anyone explain that to me convincingly?

Yesterday I bought and downloaded an e-book called Live Lice Free. Tomorrow I need to buy a few more oils, a shower cap and a sweat band. I can't find any on Fionn, but he is itching and scratching and I am sure I have them (the live and moving head sensation) so tomorrow is lotion and potion experimentation day.

I saw the sunshine today. I liked the hanging out the washing bit best. But as my children want to run around practically naked and one is coughing dangerously, it was inside for me the rest of the time. I pulled out three weeds though. Stealth gardening in stolen moments.


Gill said…
OH MY!!! I think I've been there!! Hang on, don't give up! They'll probably never appreciate your effort but Mums everywhere are sending you warm fuzzies.
Sandra said…
Thank you Gilly. Thank you so very much.
Nova said…
ooo i do hope they're feeling better soon! you guys do seem to have a rough time of it..

i'd love to hear if your potions & lotions work too! having a yr1/2 teacher for a husband and a daughter with "lovely" curls makes for a hellish time with lice!
Anonymous said…
So, on the nit front.

For serious infestations, esp. in people with long and dready locks
It is strong! I would not use it on fionn's skin, but it does the business in a way that nothing else I have tried does (and I have tried just about everything). It is made from tincture of larkspur and acetic acid so maybe you can make your own, I used to buy it in bulk from england when i had dreads.

And otherwise, conditioner, brush and nit comb every night. It is boring but really the most effective way to keep on top of them and not let infestations take off.

For school, bandannas (a little bit gangsta but hey). They are good if your child has nits so they are not spreading them and it's not obvious if you are leaving oil in for the day AND they are good for when your child is nit free and you want to keep it that way.

Good luck! x

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