
In surprise evidence that anyone in Wetville is not thinking about rugby league , I have been knitting and reading about knitting. I am sewing up the never ending purple cardigan and could be wearing it as early as this coming week. That would make it only 12 months in the making...

Given the steep learning curve I've had on fitting and altering sewing patterns, I had a wee google on the same for knitting patterns this afternoon. I found this set of tutorials: Fit to Flatter. Wow - one very clever and helpful knitter and teacher.

This morning I took Fionn down to the special kids league session with the Warriors. I took heaps of photos and every single one of them is terrible. Do let me know if you want some pictures of headless league players, or their shoulders. This afternoon Favourite Handyman took him to the big game which he loved, and I chopped onions and prepared spuds and kumara for tomorrow's hangi. I resisted all offers of wine as last night I had two and a bit glasses of wine and felt utterly awful for much of the early hours of the morning and consequently not too flash all of today.

I've not been thinking in extended blogging fashion this week as I adjust to early and busy starts to the day again. I have been reading online a bit though and have some links to share. My sister and I have been talking about sewing and shape and she mentioned wanting to sew a tailored jacket. I haven't got to the tailored jacket stage in sewing confidence but I understand where she is coming from - if you want a tailored jacket to fit well on a non-'standard' shape, it is either really big money to get someone to make or alter one, or learn to do it yourself. Sorting out my work wardrobe without a dramatic extension to my op-shop size clothing budget is my big motivator for learning new sewing techniques (y'know, beyond elastic waists and mending). Try Erica B's DIY Style for some breath-takingly excellent sewing. I especially like this Back bustle riding jacket. We don't need to worry about whether I have a need for such a stylish jacket in my lifestyle because I am light years behind her on sewing skill.

Recent posts on The Hand Mirror such as this one have been both interesting and sometimes depressing. I hope to respond to the issues raised in the linked post when my brain is processing at a better level than right now.


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