
Project one. The image is from the pattern front (Burda 8308). I've cut out the pattern and fabric and threaded the machine.
Project two. The blue poncho, already renamed the blue capelet, because they are shorter. The Reader's Digest fan stitch goes:
row 1: *(K2tog) 3 times, (yfwd, K1) 6 times, (K2tog) 3 times*
rows 2 and 4: purl
rows 3, 5 and 6: knit
multiple of 18 stitches

I did a swatch with two needles and that came out most encouragingly. I like the scalloped cast on edge, which is why I set out to make a poncho/capelet from the bottom up. Then I cast on 180 stitches on circular needles. I'm only on row four and I've got my numbers out twice and forgot that knitting in the round means carry on in knit stitch to get a stocking stitch effect. But I'm going to carry on and learn from it as I go. It's not going in an A & P show competition.

I'm quite rattled by the prospect of Brighid having surgery. This making of dolls' clothes for her is one way of dealing with it. So far I've booked us accommodation for the night before the appointment and thought of a lot of things which I will have to arrange if surgery is straight away in order to have us all together to support her; things which need some planning before I go over. Tomorrow might be list time.

Thank you Heather for drawing my attention to a wonderful post on Maud Blacklidge.


Joe said…
Does Chch hospital have a Ronald MacDonald house? I know they have a big corporate sponsor but I have heard from several people that they offer an excellent service and that being there means you have an immediate support network of people who know the ropes at the hospital. They may provide short term accomodation if you ask. Something I learned from breaking my leg is to always ask for the stuff you might need, instead of waiting till you need it. Thinking of you all. xxx

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