Attempt at being sensible in vain #301

Or maybe some higher number. It's true that I dare not keep stats.

Today I went to Mitre 10 to buy some coat hangers. I did this for three reasons: 1. I was given some new clothes up north and need hangers for them. 2. I hate shopping at The Warehouse. It gives me the wibblies. 3. Miter 10 is closer, so ethically favourable.

While I am at Mitre 10, I find replacement ironing board covers. As I have been meaning to make a new cover for our ironing board for about three years, and I accidentally cut the fabric of our current one not long ago, buying a new cover seems very sensible. After all, the laundry mountain at my place currently seems to be on growth hormones and there is a garden waiting for some more seeds, some weeding, some tender loving care.

Twenty-three dollars later, I get home, take it out of its packet and finally remember that we have an extra long ironing board. It doesn't fit and the wrapping is torn so no returns.

So now I have spent money and I am making an ironing board cover. I am part way through adding an insert into the new one, using the felt from the old one. Tomorrow I shall try and match the super strong elastic and maybe there will even be photos.

I sowed some mesclun salad mix seed this morning. I had more gardening planned, but the rain fell just often enough to ensure maximum time wasted at the washing line and minimum time spent in the garden. Mesclun is mesclun though, and the particularly good news is that no one in my family vomited today and no one in my family died. Moving on from the hard facts, I also didn't walk out on my family just before dinner. Given the strain of making hamburgers and chips from scratch (bought bread rolls though), and the particular facts of me loving my husband and children, I shall not make these again. I am a one pot dinner kind of cook, not an assemble lots of things all at once while others make noise and be uncompliant on every front kind of cook.

The chooks are still happy and laying and appear to be rat-free. In case you were wondering.


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