A seismic shift

Ten days ago I got a phone call which has changed all of our four lives here at the Messiest House in Wetville. My sister in law couldn't say the words out loud and with a thumping heart I guessed. My Mother in Law died of a heart attack, cuddled in the arms of the man she married over 50 years ago. The man she loved and the man who adored her. We have spent the week since that phone call in Auckland, farewelling a much loved woman along with almost 200 other people in a small wooden church in the lovely leafy suburb they made home as they raised five children. All the 13 grandchildren were there, all the children, her siblings and squillions of other relatives and friends. The vicar of their church was a very good friend of my Mother in Law's and that made for a particularly lovely farewell service.

My Mother in Law loved to shop, but until I was asked to help go through her clothes and to pick out some things to take home for myself, I had no idea what a marathon eventer she was in this sport. One pretty cotton print is too narrow for me, but I plan to cut it up and use it to make some special clothes for her youngest grand daughters.

Today, still adapting to our life back home and coming to terms with the odd and sobering fact that we will never hear my Mother in Law's stories again, Fionn started vomiting. Then he had a very hot neck. Then he had a rash on his face. Did I mention we'd just been on two aeroplanes and spent time not so far from the locations of the meningitis outbreaks? Which is why we have recently got home from six hours in our local Accident & Emergency department. He doesn't have meningitis, but he does have a rather nasty case of gastro-enteritis and spent about an hour on a drip. They were keen to keep him in overnight and we initially agreed, but by the time the paediatrician arrived almost two hours later, Fionn seemed to be on the mend and we asked to take him home. Now he is sleeping in the big bed (where else do you sleep when you are sick?!) and I think he will be much better by the time he wakes up.

So I don't have any sewing or gardening to report. I have no kitchen adventures to report on, and I've not been living in my local community, let alone doing anything useful in it. I have no comment to make on local or national or international politics, though a brief look at the international news section of today's paper revealed that the Bank of England are printing money because everything is dire and they could find nothing else to do. Better than nothing and not going to prompt massive inflation. Apparently. I'm hopeful that tomorrow will be quiet and without incident. Perhaps I will even spend it in the garden. I am grateful beyond words for the treasure of those around me still alive. I give particular thanks that this scare of Fionn's health didn't happen while we were still in Auckland. To have left my Father in Law's house with a child potentially with a fatal disease to spend hours in a huge alien hospital is a worry I am glad to have spared him.

So. Please do tell me what has happened in the rest of the world that I should look at/read/think about. It's time I read some more good books and any recommendations of new blogs would also be welcome. Has anyone seen the film of Jane Eyre? Worth it?


Anonymous said…
Condolences Sandra, to you and your family too. Feeling for you.

Will watch Jane Eyre this afternoon with you in mind - taking my eldest and a couple of ladies and Grandpa to see it.


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