painting & sewing

Today I made an entire knit top. In one day. I only had one major unpicking job. I also finished my new skirt. Which makes nothing less than an ensemble of a matching top and skirt. It even appears they will match other separates in my wardrobe. How sensible. Though I am pleased with my actual sewing progress and the individual garments, I'm left rather deflated by this sensible-ness (yes I know there is a proper word called 'sensibility' but it doesn't fit the context). I've pulled out the curtain fabric, the one with the huge flowers on it which are like the ones in my grandparents' bedroom 30 years ago only perhaps a larger print, and I'm gearing up to make another Colette crepe dress with it. I doubt 'sensible but modern librarian style' is going to apply to that when it is finished. Strange and old fashioned maybe, but not 'sensible'.

The roof painting continues. Actually, the wind was too vigorous to safely do anything on the roof this afternoon, but this morning Favourite Handyman primed the north facing side of the house. We may have someone coming to help this week - paying for painting assistance is starting to look like a wonderful idea when the scaffolding costs for each day of hire and the weather forecast knocks some of this week out for painting already.

I attempted to load some photos of the top, skirt and the roof work, but blogger isn't interested in pithy requests like loading photographs tonight.Link


Shania Fargo said…
How's it going with the roof painting? With a strong wind like that, Sandra, roof contractors would definitely have a difficult time painting the roof. It would be better to schedule the job on a sunny day so the paint would dry out faster. One more thing: never forget to wait for the first layer to dry before applying the next coat. Ideally, that would take about 20 minutes.

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