Quelling nervousness & the finished cardy

The blue cardigan is done. Notice how in the photograph the light is bad, the cardigan looks green and the background appears to be a slovenly mess of unmade bed? The only part which is an illusion is that the cardigan is blue in real life. I read and adore some truly gorgeous blogs where people wait days and even weeks to get good light and someone to take good photographs of them modelling their creations. This is not a gorgeous blog; it is the blog of impatient woman who is learning to sew.

Anyways, I am quite pleased with the cardigan. There is a little bit of puckering but I figure it is only by sewing more that I will get any better at that bit. I actually still sew quite wonky seams and I may never ever sew contrasting thread topstitching. But a little wonky puckeringness is way better than cardies which stop half way over my bosom, which is the only kind shops sell. I do like how the sleeves aren't too long as well.

Will I make it again? Maybe. Possibly in a slightly heavier weight fabric. The merino is lovely and soft and light to wear but it remains to be seen how durable it is as an outerwear garment.

So I've finished all sewing up all my Global Fabrics Christmas fabric. I made one cardigan, one t-shirt and two skirts for myself this month, plus two five year old skirts. I have never ever been so productive behind a sewing machine in my life. In two days I start multitasking in a much higher gear and I'm working through some nervousness about that. My lovely family did some cleaning today without me even asking and I spent a wee bit of time in the garden, all good things for my soul. I made chocolate blueberry brownie cake in readiness for school lunch box filling and went to work for a while.

I'm wondering what I shall sew next. What I really like most is dresses, but I don't want to buy more fabric right now. I have some felted wool (some intentionally felted and some accidentally) which I imagine myself turning into a skirt at some point, but I haven't found a pattern to modify to make it. Actually dresses is what I really like the most. Skirts are practical things which I wear enough (trousers not much at all outside of the house - not because I hate myself in trousers, I just don't love trousers much) but they don't have a slightly magical quality of appeal like dresses do for me. I like how dresses don't require much in the way of coordination. Perhaps it is time next to dye the pink jacket from last week's op shop bargain day. Maybe the flowery curtain Crepe dress.... I need to make up some more fabric from my cupboard before I deem myself eligible to buy knit fabric for one of the Vogue dresses in my last post.


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