The Blackball Working Class HIstory Project

I'm in need of some technical advice. We've made a small start on our blog to go alongside the offical website of the Blackball Working Class History Museum. I've got a fairly clear idea of how I want it to look/be organised, but I'm not sure how to go about achieving it. I would like to have labels along the top, rather like the way this blog has. I could not see that feature on the template options when I set up the history project blog. Can anyone tell me where to look or what to do to achieve this please?

I would ultimately like to have a section on stories of our working past, stories of our working present and discussions of where we go to as working people together in the future. So that's three labels to organise each post into. On May Day Eva Brown read some lovely poetry and I would like creative work like hers to feature as well as stories and discussions. At some point I also need to get myself a podcast tutorial as I would like oral histories and interviews on the blog as well.

I have a list in my mind of articles I would like for the Blackball Working Class History Project. If you have any to suggest, or would be happy to write a guest post, I would love to hear your suggestions in the comments of this post, or in the comments section of any post on the Blackball blog itself. I would like to create an online centre for discussion and resources which complements the physical shrine and information boards which are due to open in Blackball in October. Baby steps at the moment, but I think it's time for me to push my technical boundaries and make stronger progress.


Steven Cowan said…

The standard templates provided by Blogger won't be usable for your purposes. But you can download a new template from a site that provides free templates.

Green Gavin got his template from this site:

You can also try this link:

Heaps of stuff there.

It's just a csse of finding a template that you like and suits your purposes.

Hope this helps

You take the downloaded XML file (which is the new template). Then go to Blogger layout. You will see a HTML tab. Click on that - you will then see an space where you can upload the new template.
Sandra said…
Thank you Steven. I've made some progres though I have lots more tweaking to do. I do now have some better red blog template options!!!

Your suggestions made all the difference. Thanks again.

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