Garden lust

July's NZ Gardener came through my letterbox today. There was a profile of Akaunui Gardens, near Ashburton. If you click through the link, you will see a lovely stately house. I don't covet a stately house, but I do covet a rambling rose climbing all over a shed as per the photograph on page 50 of the NZ Gardener. I quote from the photo caption: "The Noisette rose 'Claire Jacquier' covers the shed by the herb parterre." I'll have to google both Noisette and parterre, but I'm captivated by noth the romantic view and the romantic names. Favourite Handyman liked the photo too...

So I can trail a rose up over the new lean to and the shed behind it. I think it would be too shady to trail a rose up from the south side of the shed though. I can trail roses over various fences and I have the beginnings (tiny, small beginnings currently) of a structure along the back of the house for my roses (to be surrounded by garlic and in summer, lettuces and herbs). But there is room for more romance, surely? I don't think it is practical to trail roses over the chook run because a) it is supposed to be portable and b) as it is plastic lined, it would get too hot in summer and cook the plants.

I'm still thinking of some kind of special place for the children, under the big tree near the study. A shed or shelter with - ta da da da da - roses climbing over the outside of it. The shrine to Lightning McQueen part could be on the inside...

Out the front where I want to use old windows to make a shelter and bird guard for my strawberries - apparently I need a physics lesson on why it won't work. Which I look forward to. Cos then I need to find another solution before the blackbirds ruin the whole thing.


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