Home made

I think I'm making some progress on this home made from scratch crafty lark. For a slapdash clumsy sewer like me, this is no small feat.

Given the recent gift to me of two huge boxes of fabric and the birthday invitation on the fridge door for Fionn to attend, I decided to have a go at making a dress for Alice, soon to be six and lover of dresses. I toyed with a few skirt ideas and discarded them for a dress pattern which I found at our local Bernina shop. New Look 6195, easy one hour. Which translates to do-able four hours for me. Fionn picked out the fabric from the boxes - garish pink with some lace which must have been left over from an eighties ball dress to go on top in the front. I had several hiccups but the most important thing is that I overcame them! I made an entire garment without having to return the machine to the repair man. Progress, I promise you. Despite all the wobbly stitching and the rough edges in places, when it was time to turn it the right way and press it, it did definitely look like a functional and even pretty frock.

I'm still knitting my vest, though I've had a week off while I sewed Alice's dress. In a fortnight's time it is World Wide Knit in Public Day. Down in Hoki, half an hour south of us, they have an event organised. We may yet do something of our own in Small Wet Town. I'm still waiting to hear whether I am away in Christchurch that weekend for work - perhaps I'll be popping in for a bit of a knit and a wine at the Dux de Lux after my course.

I'll do a separate post for my recent home made food projects.


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