Floral loveliness, for my sister

My parents invited my children to stay with them for four days. Fionn and Brighid were excited, my Mum and Dad are excited and FH and I are excited. I do feel very grateful. Even though I took the nutrients source away from this globe artichoke, it has still opened up and flowered. How magnificent is that?
Some of our sunflowers.

Our dahlias. These were in the front garden when we moved in. By the size of the tuber when I dug it up, it had not been divided for many many years. Now these blooms are in the garden by the red fence.
Tropicanna lillies. I saw the yellow version of these looking resplendent in Kerikeri and also at the end of our road, so am aiming to get the yellow version to go in the red fence garden.
Another sunflowere. This one is in the old chook run garden. I think it is from the 'Baby Bear' packet.
The red skirt so far. I sewed all the pieces into one line today. But whereas I made this version in the larger size last year and it is nice but rather too loose and shapeless, this time I went down a size and now I am going to dispense with the gathered wasitline and try sewing a zip in for the first time.

I have also been cutting out the pieces for my dress pattern and working out what alterations I need to make to get a reasonable fit. That high school maths is definitely useful after all.

In yesterday's mail I got a very special present. Revolutionary Women: A Book of Stencils, gifted by my sister. In it she wrote "For the first revolutionary woman in my life". I don't quite have words for how special this is to me. I will have a post specifically on the book soon.

Off to bed to read and think and dream. I adore my kids (and shout at them and despair at the chaos and so on) and I will miss them soon. But right now, with just FH and I and the beach to walk on each day (which we are doing) and lots of uninterrupted conversations, it is an amazing gift.


Heather said…
all those red strips sewn together look fantastic!
Anonymous said…
Thanks! I especially love the tropicana lilies. You skirt looks AMAZING! Love Joe
Sandra said…
Thanks Heather and Joe. Wore it to 'town' today and am pleased with it. Now for the wrap dress project, which requires me to get to grips with pattern altering. Quite daunting.

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