Life and times of a domestic goddess.

Washed curtains. Big ones, small ones, black out lining, the works. That was just the lounge.

Big binge on the kids' room. Lots of biffing. & sneezing. I guess floor washing shouldn't be so notable, but it is for me.

Finished the second sleeve on the endless crossover cardigan. Next job is to decipher the codes on the pattern instructions for making the ties.

Sent parcels of clothes to various places. Filled the car with stuff for the dump.

Made tortilla with my new frypan, Le Crueset no less, courtesy of Fly Buys.

Made sushi.

Took veges and a grocery voucher around to my friend C, who now has temporary care, possibly long term, of her two grand daughters. One is less than a month old. I get very furious thinking of how happy to bash DPB recipients some people are. How on earth else is it possible for my friend to look after these babies whose parents are in no state to raise their own children? I wish there was more I could do.


skatey katie said…
there must be something in the air/water/sunshine - i am cleaning out all shizzit too. actually i think i;m just subconsiously feeling that the end is nigh. but i don't have a job to go to. maybe i should save the shizzit-sortin' until they disappear to skool X
Sandra said…
Hi Skatey Katie I've been missing your blog y'know. Good luck for finding a job, though maybe you are supposed to be doing something else this year, or for the first term. Possibly not cleaning shizzit though.

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