Coconut oil; care workers

Today I got one step closer to getting the kindy dress ups off to Christchurch. They've been sitting in our car boot for what seems like weeks now.

I am making progress on my school gala jobs. I have one person lined up to paint nails and I've begun enquiries on my other project of setting up pony rides.

I managed to collect the right number of children, take Brighid to swimming lessons, organise mouthguards and boots and get the right number of children to league practice. I think. I even furnished four meals in more or less useful places and times.

Blackball museum of working class history meeting today. Came home with homework. The next exhibition is going to be on care workers. It will be very interesting. There is a very topical case with one of our rest homes in town at the moment and I look forward to helping put those issues in a wider social and historical perspective.

Coconut oil. Should have thought of it earlier. The best hypothesis we can get on Brighid's spottiness is that it is related to chickenpox. Yesterday I bought some organic, cold pressed, unrefined virgin coconut oil and rubbed it into Brighid's skin after her bath. Over all the spots, which happens to also mean all over her body. She slept right through the night for the first time in ages, undisturbed by scratching.

Wooo hoooo! I've put the coconut oil on her three more times today and we seem to be making better progress on reducing the size of the spots. As well as being an excellent emollient, coconut oil is antiviral. We are carrying on with the vitamin C, which I still think is important and making a difference. I eat the coconut oil sometimes for health benefits, but I've held off giving it orally to Brighid while I saw how the topical application went. Might add it to her potions tomorrow.


Anonymous said…
woohoo for C OIL.
We dollop it on our porridge whenever someone has the beginnings of a cold and it works wonders.
It's also a great oil for frying as it is stable at high temps - no trans-anythings to worry about.
Works a treat in crackers too - makes them nice and crispy.
Ruth said…
Great idea to have someone painting nails at the gala.
alan said…
Simply Great article thanks a lot for this awesome information.

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