Red & Black

I caved. I went to a presentation at Fionn's school this afternoon about supporting children in their transition to school and the first three years there. The incredibly capable and energetic and tireless secretary of the PTA also gave a presentation. I also managed finally to think of a new fundraising idea for the gala. So tonight I went to the PTA meeting, though I do know very clearly that I won't be there every time or taking on extra responsibilities.

The pictures of Brighid in her red and black tights were taken for the express benefit of sending to her grandfather, whose rugby allegiances are very strong. The other red and black picture is the not quite finished Captain Underpants cape. Book character day at school tomorrow.

The red part is a handed down towel from Mum. I love handed down linen from Mum, because it always carries a story. This one still has the name tag sewn in for my sister, with a code number beside it which must be from a school or guides camp.


applepip said…
Fabulous tights B!

And a gold star to you Sandra for hand sewing any part of book character costume. You put the rest of us to shame. Well, me anyway.

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