The seasons of my day

Today was glorious. Brighid opted not to go to kindy and we spent the morning planting. The soil is definitely too wet and cold, but given I bought the punnets a week ago, I decided to plough ahead regardless.
You can't see the broccoli I planted very well in this photo. I do hope I can still see them at all in the morning. I've laid several beer traps.
Mamaku, leeks, silverbeet and SUN.
This was this morning before school.
Why else would I buy a big green laundry basket?

There was definite changing of the guard in the afternoon, when I dropped Brighid off to our lovely childminders and went to work for several hours. At 5.30pm the children and I arrived home and both of them hit a tired hungry wall and the line was full of washing and the slow cooker had meat but no greens or spuds and the house was cold and the fire unlit and and and most importantly Dad was at another meeting and that was the saddest bit. So I got Fionn feeding chooks, grabbed all the washing at double quick speed, turned on the heater which we almost never use, dished up some meat and sliced a persimmon and said once the meat and fruit is eaten, we can go out for dessert.

So we did. Ali's cafe of Greymouth, we do, once again, love your service, your toybox, your menu, the red wine, and the space for us to relax, the children not to fight and not to miss their Dad so much. We also love your eskimo lollies, your chicken burger with chips and your lollie cake. And your posh magazines. British Vogue and an Australian flash greeenie houses magazines (green) no less.


Nik said…
Going out for Dessert sounds lovely Sandra! I agree, it's awful coming home late with all the chores to do and only a half-prepared dinner with no fire (and no daddy!). Much like ours yesterday too (minus the dessert).

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