repurposed sheet experiment #1

Today's project:

One pink paisley skirt for an eighth birthday gift. The fabric is cut from a sheet I found at the Sallies last year. I also cleaned the net curtains in the bedroom, did many shifts at the washing machine/washing line and made the most disastrous chocolate chip biscuits ever. It does help to follow the recipe if you want something that even stays on the tray in the oven.

So that was quarantine day and we are no further ahead in explaining all Brighid's spots. More were coming out all over her body up to the end of yesterday but there seem to be no new ones today (best guess-timating - I haven't precisely counted as there are probably 100 spots). She is 100% well in every other way and I see no reason to keep up the quarantine tomorrow.

I also spent a bit of time on the Guardian Weekly (6 May 2011). My favourite quote is from a letter to the editor by Karin Ramachandra of Sri Lanka:
Our problem is not that we don't know how to respectfully assist people in need, but rather that most of us are in the helping game to make our own lives satisfying and meaningful rather than theirs.
Hmm. Ouch. True.

This article on the London Living Wage campaign is encouraging. Jeevan Vasagar has written an article comparing the housing sub-prime bubble to the UK university education scene (though it could, I think, apply here in NZ to a lesser degree) which intrigued me. I know the Guardian is a liberal lefty paper rather than a socialist one, but Vasagar's take on education and the prominence his article has in the Guardian Weekly layout suggests to me how far the competition-is-good discourse has travelled, at least in the UK.


Anonymous said…
1. WONDERFUL quote. I'm copying it into my Quote Book, that until now had been reserved for memorable quotes from literature.

2. Do you not agree that competition in education is helpful? (With a voucher system that would allow equal choice for all, I see it as a fantastic thing)

3. Thou shalt not covet aside....I'd love to have a skirt made from that material!
~Rachael (poking her nose up so you know I am still reading -I've also been inspired by you to plant kale - and what's more, I've done it)

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