Hand sewing

black spots on the red cape. The fleece spots and the red towel weren't getting along too well with my sewing machine and I decided it would be easier to stitch them on by hand. Not finished yet, but I've got another 34 hours before book character day.

Day One of my marathon multi-tasking week done. I don't think I dropped any really heavy balls. Cousin Mary now has her glasses back and a new heater installed/assembled (installer: me, with no assistance from my assistants, who were in the lounge watching Sky and scoffing Mary's hundreds and thousands biscuits.) I also took Mary to the supermarket, which gave me an opportunity to buy some broccoli and mandarins and some WINE.

I googled and it seems that primroses are similar if not the same as polyanthus. 'Primroses' sound so much more beautiful than 'polys'. Perhaps I'll just get more primulas instead. I think I pulled out the last of the polyanthus a month or so back.

Nikki, yesterday you asked about jerusalem artichokes invading. From what I have seen so far, not too bad at all. I'd liken them to potatoes in that if you want the next season in a plot to be spud free, you need to sift through and find every last tiny spud and then some. They don't seem to spread in other ways.

I had the night off from cooking kale. This was partly because I thought broccoli would go better in the fish pie and that the spotty girl would therefore eat it. Wrong. Taller members of the family appreciated my cooking...

It might be premature, but I think, think, the oldest spots on Miss Spotty are starting to heal. Fingers crossed. This stuff has been useful. It's not the cheapest soothing cream around, but it seems to work and I've used it for lots of ailments now (I began to list them but it grossed me out so I stopped).


Nik said…
Thanks for that. I'm due to pick some up on Saturday.

Have you determined what the spotty thing is that B has?

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